2022年世界海员日的主题“Your voyage - then and now, share your journey”

在第十二个“世界海员日”到来之际,国际海事组织(IMO)官方网站发布信息,确定2022年世界海员日的主题“Your voyage - then and now, share your journey”(远航——过去和现在,分享你的旅程故事)。
Your voyage - then and now, share your journey

Every seafarer’s journey is different, but they all face similar challenges. For 2022, the campaign of the Day of the Seafarers, with the theme 'Your voyage - then and now, share your journey’, look at seafarer voyages, what it includes and how has it evolved over time and what remains at the heart of seafarers’ reality.
This campaign gives seafarers a chance to share what resonates with them currently, whether it's the crew change crisis being unresolved or the future of technology.